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  • Tag: wellbeing

Sexual Health Services

Sexual Health offers specialist advice and support around sexual health.

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OpenMinds Calderdale

Anxiety Action Plan

This one-page anxiety action plan from OpenMinds Calderdale can help you recognise what may trigger your anxiety.

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OpenMinds Calderdale

Anxiety Strategies

This one-page anxiety strategies resource from OpenMinds Calderdale provides strategies for parents and carers supporting an anxious child or young person. Anxiety is a normal emotion and the reaction within the body is reassuring that things are working as they should be.

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School Nursing Team

The school nursing service focuses on identifying health needs, managing long and short term conditions in education settings for children and young people aged 5 to 19 years. The service enables children and young people to access help in ways that are appropriate to their needs, with due respect to their age, gender, culture or race, religion, sexual orientation, learning needs, physical and emotional abilities and those of their parents or carers.

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