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Speech, Language and Communication: 4-5 Years

...timetables for your local Family Hub for more advice and activities local to you Referrals Referrals can be made to the Early Years and Portage teams and to the Speech...

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Speech, Language and Communication: 3-4 Years link 2 sentences together by using ‘and’ e.g. ‘I went to the park and I had ice cream’. I can talk about the future and the past e.g. ‘I...

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Speech, Language and Communication: 2-3 Years

...Look at the timetables for your local Family Hub for more advice and activities local to you Note: At this age, it is typical for children to stammer (repeat their...

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Speech, Language and Communication: 0-12 Months

...Family Hub for more advice and activities local to you Referrals Referrals can be made to the Early Years and Portage teams and to the Speech and Language Therapy team....

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