Speech, Language and Communication: 4-5 Years
...Therapy team. Speak to your Health Visitor or your child’s nursery key worker for advice. Useful Links Tiny Happy People Language development activities for young children ages 4-5 Visit Words...
...Therapy team. Speak to your Health Visitor or your child’s nursery key worker for advice. Useful Links Tiny Happy People Language development activities for young children ages 4-5 Visit Words...
...more advice and activities local to you. Referrals Referrals can be made to the Early Years and Portage teams and to the Speech and Language Therapy team. Speak to your...
...sounds or words). If they carry on doing this for longer than 2-3 months, speak to your Health Visitor or nursery key worker. A referral to Speech and Language Therapy...
...Family Hub for more advice and activities local to you Referrals Referrals can be made to the Early Years and Portage teams and to the Speech and Language Therapy team....
Are you a family in Calderdale who have experienced a stay in the Neonatal Unit? If so, this group can provide support, friendship and understanding. Learn more
Food Banks & Social Supermarkets In today’s challenging economic climate, many families are feeling the pressure of rising costs. Whether you’re struggling to put food on the table or need...