Speech, Language and Communication Journey: Stages
1-2 Years
The more you talk to me, the more words I will learn
Did you know...?
I talk to myself lots when I am playing. This is where I am practicing using language
I can use lots of single words and am beginning to put together two words into short phrases e.g.’red car’, ‘mum’s nose’
I am starting to understand more words and simple instructions e.g. ‘get dad’s shoes’
I make lots of different sounds now – you will still hear errors in the sounds that I use when I say words
I can concentrate on a single thing for about 2 minutes by my second birthday
Things to do with me
Give me simple tasks and instructions to follow as we go about different activities. If I struggle to follow these, show me whilst saying it again.
Extend what I am saying for example: “This is Mummy’s blue” This will help me to learn more vocabulary and language skills.
Play games where we copy each other’s words and movements
Help me by speaking to me and describing what you are doing so I am able to hear lots of language.
I might say things wrong sometimes. Don’t ask me to say it again, repeat what I have said but using the correct words e.g. ‘felled over’ you could say, ‘oh no, you fell over’
Help me to understand emotions by naming how I am feeling
During our playtime together:
Follow my lead and join in my games
Help me to take turns when we are playing
Additional Support
If your child is not yet doing these things, discuss with your Health Visitor, GP or Early Years Professional in a nursery setting who can provide advice and support.
Look at the BBC Tiny Happy People website and social media for more ideas of things to do with your child.
Look at the timetables for your local Family Hub for more advice and activities local to you
Referrals can be made to the Early Years and Portage teams and to the Speech and Language Therapy team. Speak to your Health Visitor for advice.