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  • Tag: development

Dad Matters

Dad Matters Calderdale exists to support dads to have the best possible relationship with their families. We work closely with other professionals within Calderdale and nationally to better support dads in the first 1001 days of parenting.

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Calderdale Council

FREE Online Courses

Our Family Hubs Network is pleased to offer as your portal for online courses tailored to children’s developmental stages for you to learn in your own time, in your...

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West Yorkshire Healthier Together

West Yorkshire Healthier Together - Communication skills are an important part of your child's development. Your child needs to be child talking to hear and understand what is being said to them and then use their talking skills to respond. They will also learn other skills for communicating such as body language, hand gestures, facial expressions and eye contact. Learn more by visiting our website.

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Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust Children’s Therapies Team

The Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Team provide a child centred and family oriented approach. They work closely with partner services in Health, Education and Social Care, to contribute expert knowledge of communication, speech, language, and feeding and swallowing to the team of professionals working with the child and their family. They provide support for families and staff from a variety of settings, so that they can help the child to reach their full potential in their everyday lives.

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