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  • Tag: development

Locala Community Child Development Practitioners

Locala Community Child Development Practitioners work with families and young people. The main focus is to provide information and advice to empower parents enabling them to provide the care and support their children need at each stage of their development. Your health visitor can refer you to the Community Child Development Practitioners or you can speak to them at well baby clinics.

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50 things to do

50 exciting, open-ended ideas for play for children aged 0-4. Discover your favourites together!

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Locala Community Partnerships SLC Video Links

Locala’s Speech, Language, and Communication Video Series The video series is aimed at key development stages and aims to help you understand and support your baby’s development from the very beginning up to 2.5 years old.

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Calderdale Council

Active Calderdale

Being more active can reduce your risk of diseases like cancer and diabetes, and it can keep you more mobile for longer as you grow older. It can also help you to feel better mentally, tackling conditions like depression and anxiety. Being active can build stronger communities and it can help the environment too! Learn More with Active Calderdale.

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