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There are 100 state funded schools in Calderdale with 36,456 pupils on roll as at the January 2023 school census. The schools break-down is:

  • 84 primary
  • 12 secondary
  • 2 all-through schools
  • 1 sixth form college
  • 1 pupil referral unit

Additional information is available at: Schools and learning | Calderdale Council


  • District: sowerby-bridge
0 results

Healthy & Active Calderdale Schools

Healthy Schools Award Programme

The Calderdale Healthy Schools award programme supports the Vision 2024 for Calderdale, with improved health and wellbeing outcomes creating more resilient communities where people can reach their potential.

The programme has been developed in partnership with schools and provides a clear framework to enable them to demonstrate their commitment to young people’s health and learn from each other.

Active Schools Programme

Calderdale’s Active Schools (CAS) programme is an initiative designed to help children to become fitter and healthier for life by being more active in and around the school day.

Following a successful launch in 2021 there are currently 42 Active Schools in Calderdale including three secondary schools and one Alternative Provision school.

Calderdale Mental Health Support Team (MHST)

The Calderdale Mental Health Support Team (MHST) is a BACP-accredited early-intervention support service for children and young people at participating schools in Calderdale. 

The MHST provides short-term mental health support for children and young people in school, support and training to develop the whole-school approach to emotional wellbeing and mental health advice and liaison between services supporting children and young people.

Use the filters above to check if your school has a MHST in place.